
Vitaprotech obtains ISO 9001 and 45001 certification

Vitaprotech Obtains ISO 9001 and 45001 Certifications: A Strong Commitment to Continuous Improvement

We are proud to announce that the Vitaprotech Group, along with all its French companies, has recently obtained ISO 9001 certification for quality management and ISO 45001 certification for health and safety in the workplace.

Recognition of our commitment

These certifications are not simply labels of quality or safety; they testify to our ongoing commitment to excellence in all our activities. Achieving ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certification reflects our determination to put in place rigorous processes that guarantee both the satisfaction of our customers and the well-being of our employees. In a highly competitive and rapidly changing technological environment, the Vitaprotech Group is committed to providing its companies with :

  • A strategic vision
  • A solid financial base
  • External growth opportunities to complement their activities
  • High-performance, modern support services
  • Optimisation of synergies
ISO 9001: Ensuring Quality

ISO 9001 certification is based on a set of quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, management commitment, the process approach and continuous improvement. At Vitaprotech, we are committed to offering products and services that not only meet our customers’ expectations, but also exceed applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

ISO 45001: Prioritising Health and Safety

By obtaining ISO 45001 certification, we are reaffirming our commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees. This international standard imposes high standards for the management of health and safety in the workplace, helping to reduce occupational risks and prevent accidents.

A continuous improvement approach

Obtaining these certifications marks an important step in the continuous improvement approach we have adopted. We firmly believe that operational excellence is a constantly evolving process. These standards provide us with a framework for assessing and improving our performance, thereby ensuring the sustainability of our business and the satisfaction of all our stakeholders.

We would like to thank all our teams for their commitment and hard work in achieving these certifications. Together, we continue to raise our standards to better serve our customers and protect our employees.